1. Construction work of Hostel/Barrack for capacity of 32 person and 01 Vivechana room in Thana Farah in Distt Mathura | 2297/14M-AC/2020 Dated 18-06-2020 | 13-Jul-2020 12:30 PM | 14-Jul-2020 12:30 PM |
2. Construction work of Hostel/Barrack for capacity of 16 person and 01 Vivechana room in Thana Magorra in Distt Mathura | 2297/14M-AC/2020 Dated 18-06-2020 | 13-Jul-2020 12:30 PM | 14-Jul-2020 12:30 PM |
3. Shastripuram yojna ke sector-C-1 main saf-safai ka karya. (06 months hetu) | 07/2020-21 dt.-04.07.2020 | 27-Jul-2020 03:00 PM | 28-Jul-2020 12:00 PM |
4. Kanpur Prayagraj NH-2 ke km 122 Se Nikalne Vali Chhimi Purain Marg Ke Km 3 Se Elaee Eantgaon Ukathu Marg Tak Sampark Marg Ka Nav Nirman Karya (UP) | 2091/95C/etendering/P.F.C/2020 Dt 23.6.2020 | 13-Jul-2020 12:00 PM | 13-Jul-2020 12:30 PM |
5. Construction of Hostal / Barrak and Investigation Room for 16 Employees in Police Station Basai Jagner in Distt. Agra | 2204/14M-AC/2020 Dated 15-06-2020 | 13-Jul-2020 12:30 PM | 14-Jul-2020 12:30 PM |
6. Construction of Hostal / Barrak and Investigation Room for 16 Employees in Police Station Jagner in Distt. Agra | 2204/14M-AC/2020 Dated 15-06-2020 | 13-Jul-2020 12:30 PM | 14-Jul-2020 12:30 PM |
7. Fire Alarm, Fire Hydrant System and Civil work | 28/E.E/RBL/E-TENDER/2020-21 | 13-Jul-2020 05:00 PM | 14-Jul-2020 12:00 PM |
8. TEXT BOOK COVER | DIR_BASIC_EDU_BOOKCOVER_2020 | 05-Aug-2020 12:00 PM | 05-Aug-2020 01:00 PM |
9. Supply of Bricks for F.S. Gahana Govardhanpur, Anoopshahr, Bulandshahr | 287/F.S.Anoop.BLD/2018-19 dt. 29.06.2020 | 14-Jul-2020 11:00 AM | 14-Jul-2020 12:30 PM |
10. 25/W/EDC-I/SRE/2020-21 | 25/W/EDC-I/SRE/2020-21 | 16-Jul-2020 12:00 PM | 16-Jul-2020 01:00 PM |